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Senin, 31 Mei 2010
Ebook Free Tomb of the Panzerwaffe: The Defeat of the Sixth SS Panzer Army in Hungary 1945
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Tomb of the Panzerwaffe: The Defeat of the Sixth SS Panzer Army in Hungary 1945
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“This book analyses the catastrophic German defeat at Balaton in 1945 and for the first time uses data collected from both Soviet and German archive sources” “Primarily a written account of the battle, the book is well illustrated throughout with around 120 B&W photos” (Military Machines International)“ … an engaging operational history of the significant battles that took place near Hungary’s Lake Balaton from January to early March of 1945 … I must mention one other highlight of Tomb of the Panzerwaffe; that being its wonderful use of archival pictures taken by Soviet photographers not only during combat operations but also of knocked out Soviet and Axis armor following the end of each battle (Globe at War)“A wealth of information and analysis for the late-war Eastern Front wargamer” (Miniature Wargames)
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About the Author
Aleksei Isaev was born in 1974. Since the year 2004 up to the present date, he has written approximately 20 books on the history of the Eastern Front in the Second World War, with a particular emphasis on the events of 1941 and the Stalingrad battle. HisStuart Britton is a freelance translator who resides in Cedar Rapids, IA. He is responsible for a growing number of translated Russian military memoirs, battle histories and operational studies, which saw an explosion in Russia with the opening of secret military archives and the emergence of new Russian scholars who take a more objective look at the events and historical figures. Two works that received prizes or prominent acclaim were Valeriy Zamulin’s Demolishing a Myth: The Tank Battle at Prokhorovka, Kursk 1943 and Lev Lopukhovsky’s The Viaz’ma Catastrophe, 1941: The Red Army’s Disastrous Stand Against Operation Typhoon. Notable recent translations include Valeriy Zamulin’s The Battle of Kursk: Controversial and Neglected Aspects and Igor Sdvizhkov’s Confronting Case Blue:Briansk Front’s Attempt to Derail the German Drive to the Caucasus, July 1942. Future translated publications include Nikolai Ovcharenko’s analysis of the defense, occupation and liberation of Odessa, 1941-1944, and Zamulin’s detailed study of 7th Guards Army’s role and performance in the Battle of Kursk against Army Detachment Kempf.
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Product details
Paperback: 186 pages
Publisher: Helion and Company; Reprint edition (August 17, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1912174545
ISBN-13: 978-1912174546
Product Dimensions:
6.7 x 0.4 x 9.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
3.9 out of 5 stars
17 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,145,811 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
History told straight.This is an account from the Soviet point of view of the last convulsive efforts of the Nazi war machine to do something, anything, to distract the Soviet juggernaut from its march to Berlin.The overall aim of the first German offensive in Hungary, in January 1945, was to break through to besieged Budapest, raise the siege, and reestablish a front line that included Budapest and was anchored on the Danube. The offensive had no chance of achieving all this, and it duly failed.The Soviets took advantage of having repelled that German effort to use the breather to storm Budapest. In March, the Germans mounted another effort, this one aimed at cutting off and destroying some forward Soviet forces west of the Danube and Budapest. This effort, too, failed, again ignominiously. The Soviets caught the Germans time and again with clever ambushes, they introduced reserves in a timely manner, and they pretty much "schooled" the Germans.The Soviet phrase for operations that stand little to no chance of succeeding is "adventurism", and the tag fits. Still, the German forces made their efforts, and here and there they had partial successes, just as a poor poker player will win an occasional pot. The account details the mistakes, with unflinching honesty, of both sides. Reverses, when they befell the Soviet forces, are frankly put down to whatever omission, or misunderstanding of the situation, or other command failing led to the reverse. Likewise, Axis errors, and how those contributed to the ultimate Soviet victory, are spelled out.Frank honesty, warts and all, is not the hallmark of every piece of Soviet history. Perhaps times have changed, but there is also this: the Soviets, even when they openly air their own dirty laundry, look very good when it comes to these two battles.The author has gone to the remarkable length of including photos of a substantial fraction of the claimed tank kills achieved by the Soviets during the battle. The fact that the war ended very shortly after the latter of the two battles made possible a meticulous documentation of the course of the fight. Today's Russia does not, evidently, feel the need to bury even its relatively inconsequential mistakes during the course of a campaign which showcased the tactical maturity and strategic finesse of the 1945 Red Army---they did, after all, make all this source material available to the author.One omission, not exactly a lie, arguably remains. The author reports, correctly, that during the March offensive, the Germans made no particular efforts at maneuver. They just slammed straight ahead, and got whupped. But why, the reader thinks? And the answer must be, and from other reading I know this, is that the Germans hadn't the fuel to try anything more circuitous.
I was delighted to read this book. I have searched for a resource that could tell me about specific Soviet battalions and regiments that fought in the battles of Budapest to Balaton. This one also highlights the AFV variants. So, it is an excellent resource. Because it is translated from Russian, it loses some of its literary flow and is not very interesting to read. But that is not why I bought it. I recommend it for anyone interested in this particular aspect of the Second World War. However, the binding on the book is weak and several pages have already fallen out.
No personalities. No dialogue. No drama. A large collection of photographs of junked armored vehicles, and seemingly armored portraits of Soviet military personages. Book is replete with military unit designations, geographical locations, tactical maneuvering, and lineups of military assets, none of which are significant to the contemporary, casual reader. It is all very remote. There are no personal e experiences or anecdotes. I gave it a second star for professionalism.
The book personally interested me because my parents were there during these battles in Budapest. My grandfather was killed during the siege of Budapest. The book was well written with illustrations I’ve never seen before. Very good maps showing the battles and movements of both sides. I wasn’t aware of many of these battles and didn’t realize how many troops were involved in defending and occupying Hungary.
Last offensive of the SS led mobile forces of the Wehrmacht and they were just not up to the challenge. A sufficiently detailed accounting, that illustrates that the Soviets were 1st class FIGHTERS from the wars beginning and, by the end, as shown in this recounting, they became 1st class SOLDIERS.
If you like statistics this book is for you if you like the battle from the level of the soldier at the Small unit level this is not your book
The names of Russian units are hard to follow-there are so many. But, this book does a pretty good job explaining the complex maneuvers of large armored battles in the east immediately after the great German loss in December 44 -January 45 in Belgium. A lot of TO&E though. The maps are the best. Also, great photos, but few of Russian equipment losses. Helps explain why Germans count 9 of 10 losses to have been in the east.
Very interesting book on a subject that is hard to find any information on.
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Tomb of the Panzerwaffe: The Defeat of the Sixth SS Panzer Army in Hungary 1945 PDF
Tomb of the Panzerwaffe: The Defeat of the Sixth SS Panzer Army in Hungary 1945 PDF
Tomb of the Panzerwaffe: The Defeat of the Sixth SS Panzer Army in Hungary 1945 PDF
Tomb of the Panzerwaffe: The Defeat of the Sixth SS Panzer Army in Hungary 1945 PDF
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